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Social Responsibility Policy and Practice
Information on the Company's social responsibility policy and practice
HR policy and social support
Company's HR policy is an integrated long-term strategy of personnel management, the main objective of which is to fully and timely fulfill the Company's requirements for labor resources of the required quality and quantity within a specific timeframe. Qualified, proactive, highly motivated employees aimed at intensive quality work are regarded as the Company's main asset and the most important source of competitiveness.
Main objective of the HR policy consists in creation and improvement of an efficient HR management system based on attraction, development and motivation of highly qualified employees and mobile labor resources to fulfill the Company's strategic goals.
Basis for the implementation of HR policy is the availability of an effective organizational structure and optimal staff composition, the development of corporate culture and improvement of management skills, achievement of a positive level of engagement and social stability, implementation of a integrated talent management system from .
Social support is provided to the Company's employees in order to create favorable conditions for their effective work, to retain and attract highly qualified employees, and provides opportunities for professional, personal and career growth and, thus, increases interest in long-term, effective and fruitful relations between the Company and employees, the consequence of which is the achievement of high labor efficiency.
The Company's management provides social and other guarantees for employees:
Successful implementation of the Social Policy contributes to personnel motivation and growth of the Company's competitiveness and strengthening of its image as a responsible employer and socially oriented organization.
Labor safety and protection
Labor safety and protection is one of the Company's priority values and considered as an integral part of the Company's business system.
Preservation of health and life of employees, creation of safe working conditions, prevention of injuries, improvement of working conditions for employees, reduction of the impact of harmful and unfavorable factors, reduction of risks and hazards at workplaces are the main directions of the Company's policy in the field of occupational health and safety.
Sponsorship and charity
Company on a regular basis provides charity and sponsorship support to the vulnerable population stratum, and supports non-profit organizations ( nursing homes, pre-school, secondary, vocational and higher educational institutions, research organizations, etc.).
Charity and sponsorship assistance shall be provided at the expense and to the extent provided for in the Company's annual budget for the relevant financial year.