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Anti-corruption activities

Welcome to the corporate website of “KazAgroFinance” JSC!

KazAgroFinance JSC has been providing leasing services to domestic agricultural producers for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment for more than 20 years in order to develop an agro-industrial complex of the country.

The companies of the the Company are an important part of the national economy, which imposes a special responsibility on the KazAgroFinance JSC. The Board of Directors and Management Board have adopted a zero-tolerance policy for corruption in any form. Within the framework of leadership in this area, the Company is creating tools aimed at preventing illegal actions among employees of the entire branch network of companies: approval of the Code of Business Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy, establishment of anti-corruption compliance services, functioning of the Whistleblower line, that provide an opportunity to anonymously report any information about corruption and other violations.

The image of the of Company depends on each employee. The task of the Company is to demonstrate high standards of ethics and rejection of corruption in relations with counterparties, public authorities and, of course, among themselves.

Throughout its activities, the Company adheres to the fundamental principles of legality, openness and transparency. The purpose of this work is to ensure maximum transparency in the Company's activities, to prevent illegal actions against interested parties, as well as timely detection and prevention of corruption.

The Company recognizes and respects the rights of all interested parties.

In the Company, work on combating corruption is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Anti-Corruption Law”, the Company's Policy on Combating Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Standards of the Company.

Market research of leasing

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