
Ombudsman - a person appointed by the Board of Directors of «KazAgroFinance» JSC (hereinafter - the Society), whose role is to advise the employees of the Company applying to him and to assist in resolving labor disputes, conflicts, problem issues of social and labor nature, as well as in observance of the principles of business ethics by employees of the Company. The Ombudsman reports directly to the Board of Directors of the Company and carries out his activity independently of internal structures of the Company.

To achieve the tasks entrusted to him the Ombudsman performs the following functions:

1) Collection the information on non-compliance with the Code of Business Ethics;

2) Consultation of employees and officials of the Company on the provisions of the Code of Business Ethics;

3) advising and assisting complainants and participants in labor disputes and conflicts in developing a mutually acceptable, constructive and feasible solution, taking into account compliance with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan including confidentiality where it is necessary;

4) assistance in solving problem social and labor issues of the Company’s employees, as well as in observing the principles of business ethics by the Company’s officials and employees;

5) Making recommendations to persons involved in a dispute, conflict or problem situation for the conflicts (disputes) settlement;

6) assistance in preventing and resolving conflicts between employees, a group of employees, stakeholders of the Society and the Society itself at an early stage as well as affirmation of principles and rules of the Code of Business Ethics in the Society;

7) Advising officials of the Society on the resolution and prevention of conflicts (disputes) of a systemic, legal and organizational nature as well as on the observance of principles of business ethics;

8) counselling the parties of the conflict on issues related to conflict situations

9) other measures of a recommendatory nature, including those that aimed at restoring violated rights and legitimate interests.

Contact information of the Ombudsman of «KazAgroFinance» JSC:

Akrachkova Dina Viktorovna, Chief of the Staff of the «National Managing Holding «Baiterek» JSC.

E-mail address:

Postal address: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Z05T3E2, Astana city, Esil district, Mangilik El ave. 55A house.


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