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Sustainable Development Policy
KazAgroFinance JSC in its activities strives to effectively implement the principles of sustainable development through maintaining a balance of stakeholder interests.
The Company sustainability objectives are based on its mission, provisions of the KazAgroFinance Development Strategy, and the international standards and principles enshrined in international sustainability standards.
The Company considers the use of international standards in the field of sustainable development as a necessary condition for conformity of its activities with the best international practices and achievement of the sustainable development goals and objectives.
Company guided by the Sustainable Development Policy, Policy defines the fundamental principles and approaches in developing a management system in the sustainable development area.
Sustainable development in the Company consists of three constituent categories: economic, environmental and social, aspects of which are considered by GRI Standards.
Economic sustainability component contains the following goals:
Environmental component of sustainable development contains the following objectives:
Social component of sustainable development focuses on the principles of social responsibility among other things and contains the following goals:
Company analyzes its activities on these three aspects, and tries to avoid or reduce the negative impact of its performance on stakeholders.