For investors


“KazAgroFinance” JSC – is a leasing company that has been operating for 20 years in order to support the development of the agricultural sector in Kazakhstan. Today, the Company is a leader in the leasing services market, occupying a share of 68% (according to the RA expert). The Company's loan portfolio includes more than 7 thousand customers.

For the period from 2000-2019, KazAgroFinance JSC aimed at the development and support of agribusiness 798.1 billion tenge. The main sources of financing are own funds and loans. In total, we have financed the purchase of more than 48.9 thousand units of agricultural machinery and equipment. In addition, the Company has a wide regional network and is represented by 15 branches throughout Kazakhstan.

“KazAgroFinance” JSC is audited by the world's leading company - Ernst & Young, and also has international ratings of reputable agencies. Positive financial results and a positive image allow KazAgroFinance to receive high international ratings from such a reputable agency as Fitch Ratings.

On September 25, 2023, the international rating agency "Fitch Ratings" has affirmed KazAgroFinance JSCs Long-term Foreign and Local-Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at "ВВВ-". The Outlook is Stable.

Today's socio-political stability of Kazakhstan has become the basis of a congenial investment climate in the country.

Such conditions have been created as:

  • exemption from the tax duties when importing equipment, parts, raw materials and spare parts (in Russia the customs rates for these goods are 5 to 15% of the customs value);
  • state land grants: land plots, buildings, structures, machines and equipment, computing machines, measurement and control devices and units, vehicles;
  • tax advantages for up to 7 years for investment strategic projects (land tax 0%, property tax 0%);
  • әлеуметтік-экономикалық даму деңгейі төмен аймақтардағы инвестициялық стратегиялық жобаларға арналған өнеркәсіптік жеңілдіктер.  

These investment preferences are provided only when implementing the projects in the priority agricultural activities, except for construction of greenhouses.

Furthermore, the signed Eurasian Economic Union Founders Agreement (Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus) ensures the duty-free trade in the territory of the union participants, whereby essentially expanding the market.  Today we also have opportunities to arrange the production facilities in the territory of free-economic zones located in all regions of the country. The important peculiarities of the free-economic zones are a preferential tax treatment, as well as the possibilities of state security of all necessary infrastructure (allocation of land plots, supplying the communications and other).

Last year, the deal by KazAgroFinance JSC on issue and flotation of 5-year tenge bonds for KZT8 mlrd.  was recognized by EMEA Finance as a winner in “Best local currency bond in EMEA”.

Fitch Ratings:

Last modified on

September 18, 2024

  • Rating agency
  • Fitch Ratings
  • Rating
  • "BBB-", outlook "Stable"
  • Long Term Issuer Default Rating
  • Affirmed
  • BBВ-
  • Short Term Issuer Default Rating
  • Affirmed
  • F3
  • National Long Term Rating
  • Affirmed
  • AA+(kaz)
  • Local Currency Long Term Issuer Default Rating
  • Affirmed
  • BBВ-
  • Local Currency Short Term Issuer Default Rating
  • Affirmed
  • F3

Debt instruments

For the last 7 years, investments in the agro-industrial complex have been carried out at the expense of the Company’s own and borrowed funds. The Company has a fairly diversified portfolio of funding sources and significant experience in raising borrowed funds in the domestic and international markets.

The volume of financing for leasing of agricultural machinery will be one of the key indicators of the Company’s activities in the long term.

Thanks to financial stability and effective fundraising, the Company will continue to annually increase the volume of investments in the acquisition of high-performance modern equipment for agricultural producers in order to meet the still high demand for equipment. This will also be facilitated by state support measures provided for by the National Project and the Development Concept.

The allocation of additional budget funds will increase the level of provision with forage procurement and various agricultural machinery.

In order to ensure an annual increase in the volume of investment in equipment leasing, systematic work will be carried out to attract additional funds from various sources of financing.

The company will further increase investments through attracted and government sources of borrowing.

KazAgroFinance will continue to actively work to attract financing, which will be carried out through the development of cooperation with investors, the use of new borrowing instruments, diversification of sources of financing, as well as funding in the amounts necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the Company.


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