Over 6 thousand machines were purchased by farmers of Kazakhstan thanks to agroleasing


Over 6,000 equipment purchased by Kazakh farmers thanks to agroleasing

Thanks to leasing from KazAgroFinance JSC, Kazakh farmers were able to purchase more than 6 thousand units of new agricultural equipment and the park of Kazakh farmers was replenished with 412 combines and 2597 tractors. The acquired equipment has already been involved in harvesting.

To date, more than 3,000 clients have already been financed in the amount of 154.2 billion tenge, 4,310 units of equipment have been transferred for spring field work and 1,885 units of equipment for harvesting.

More than half of our customers have opted for a domestic manufacturer: the focus of attention of farmers is on Kazakh-made equipment, the demand for which was provided by the “Made in Kazakhstan” and “Preferential Leasing” programs.

For the implementation of the program "Preferential leasing", 40 billion tenge has been allocated, of which 37.9 billion tenge has already been disbursed, 15.7 billion tenge has been allocated for the "Made in Kazakhstan" program and 13.6 billion tenge has been disbursed. Recall that the preferential rate of financing for these programs is 6% per annum.

According to the results of the current year, the Company predicts the volume of equipment financed in leasing in the amount of about 165 billion tenge.

JSC "KazAgroFinance" is included in the group of companies JSC "National Managing Holding "Baiterek".



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