ATTENTION, AUCTION! Joint Stock Company "KazAgroFinance" announces the holding of tenders
Property put up for auction: according to the English method (on terms of price increase)
Lot No. 1: Buildings and structures, with a total area of 18,917.3 sq.m., with an adjacent land plot on the right of private ownership, with a total area of 6.0177 hectares, cadastral number 03-262-020-017, intended purpose - for maintenance facility for processing and storage of agricultural products, at the address: Almaty region, Panfilovsky district, Koktal village.
Starting price: 136,751,700 (one hundred thirty six million seven hundred fifty one thousand seven hundred) tenge.
Guarantee fee: 5 (five)% of the starting cost. The guarantee fee is credited to the details of KazAgroFinance JSC.
Lot step: 6,837,585 (six million eight hundred thirty seven thousand five hundred eighty five) tenge.
Lot No. 2: Land plot, on the right of private ownership, with a total area of 1.0000 hectares, cadastral number 20-315-060-033, the intended purpose of the land plot is for running a peasant economy, restrictions on the use and encumbrance of the land plot - to ensure unhindered access to the land land plot for operating services and enterprises for maintenance and repair of engineering networks, divisibility of the land plot - divisible.
Location of property: Almaty, Medeu district, production cooperative "Gorny Gigant", section 74.
Starting price: 139,680,000 (one hundred and thirty nine million six hundred and eighty thousand) tenge.
Guarantee fee: 5 (five)% of the starting cost. The guarantee fee is credited to the details of KazAgroFinance JSC.
Lot step: 6,984,000 (six million nine hundred and eighty four thousand) tenge.
Confidant: Kurmanseitov Rustem Shaikhnurovich.
Date and time of the auction: June 03, 2022, from 10.00 to 11:00.
Other conditions: The winner is the bidder who offered the highest price.
Acceptance of applications starts from the day of publication of this information message and ends on June 02, 2022 at 18:00. A participant who has paid the guarantee fee and registered for participation in the auction within the established time limits is allowed to participate in the auction.
The procedure and terms of payment of the purchase price: the winner, for the purchase of real estate, pays the purchase price by transferring funds to the details of KazAgroFinance JSC within three working days from the date of the auction.
Venue of the auction: Almaty, Almaly district, st. Bogenbai batyr 142, corner of st. Tchaikovsky, BC "Kaisar Tower", 4th floor, office 410.
Details of KazAgroFinance JSC: 010000, IIC KZ106010111000045066 in JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, Nur-Sultan, BIC HSBKKZKX, Kbe 15, BIN 991240000043, recipient KazAgroFinance JSC.
Location and contact phone number of the auctioneer JSC "KazAgroFinance": Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Almaly district, st. Bogenbay batyr 142, corner of Tchaikovsky street, Kaisar Tower Business Center, 4th floor, office 410, phone: +7 /707/ 72-72-711.