Company Products

Own feed


6% per annum (not subsidized), AEIR - from 6% per annum.

Prepaid expense*

at least 15%


up to 10 years

Purpose of the Program

Ensuring the needs of animal husbandry in the fodder base, increasing the growth of productivity of farm animals and the volume of livestock products

Target group

Lessees must meet one of the following criteria:

a) the lessee has pastures and/or hayfields in the structure of land plots;

b) the activity of the lessee is related to the cultivation / maintenance / fattening of biological assets;

c) other factors documenting the activities of the lessee in the production / procurement of fodder


6% per annum (remuneration rate is not subsidized)


from 6.1% per annum

Subject of leasing

agricultural equipment, forage equipment and mobile irrigation systems


up to 5 years

Mounted and trailed agricultural machinery with a cost of one unit up to 25 million tenge

up to 7 years

Mounted and trailed agricultural machinery with a cost of one unit of 25 million tenge and more

Self-propelled agricultural machinery with the cost of one unit up to 25 million tenge

Mobile irrigation systems

up to 10 years

Self-propelled agricultural machinery with a cost of one unit of 25 million tenge and more

Advance payment* (from the cost of the leased asset)

at least 15%

Mounted and trailed agricultural machinery with a cost of one unit of 25 million tenge and more

Self-propelled agricultural machinery

at least 20%

Mounted and trailed agricultural machinery with a cost of one unit up to 25 million tenge

Mobile irrigation systems


not required

Financing limit

the limit per lessee (per group of affiliated persons) is no more than 9 units of leased items.

Counter-obligations for the lessee

10% increase in payroll and tax revenues within 2 years following the financial year in which the funding is received

* advance payment, among other things, can be paid at the expense of subsidies in accordance with the Subsidizing Rules for the reimbursement of part of the costs incurred by the subject of the agro-industrial complex, with investments.
The client has the opportunity to submit an application under the “Own Feed” Program in the format of the “Express Leasing” program.

Types and configurations of forage equipment and mobile irrigation systems within the framework of the “Own feed” program

Type of equipment and system


(power up to 110 l/s)
A self-propelled machine that performs agricultural, transport and other work in conjunction with trailed, mounted or stationary machines.
MOWER Trailed or mounted implements with a cutting device designed for cutting plant matter.
(finger-segmental, rotary, etc.)
TRANSVERSE RAKE  Hydraulic, designed for raking hay, dried and freshly cut grass (trailed and mounted)
RAKE-TEDDER and RAKE-RAKER Mounted implements with a transverse light frame, on which small rotors with rakes are installed at an angle to the soil, and semi-trailer units with rotors with a diameter of up to 3-4 m. Allow you to fluff up the mown mass and partially turn it around 
ROUND BALERS Trailed machines equipped with a roller pick-up and a baling chamber. The main task is to pack hay into compact rolls, or to form high-density rolls for further wrapping in film in the case of haylage harvesting
SQUARE BALERS Square balers are used for picking up windrows of hay and straw and pressing them into rectangular bales.
MOUNTED STACKERS AND FRONT LOADERS (KUN) COMPLETE WITH WORKING ENGINES  Equipment for stacking hay and straw in stacks or stacks, as well as for loading stacks into vehicles. Hay throwers and loaders (KUN) are equipped with replaceable working parts - forks, buckets; they are divided into tractor-mounted semi-mounted and mounted with a rake, gripping device, etc.
MOBILE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS (drum type) To increase crop yields, artificial irrigation systems are needed.
The design consists of a drum on a trailer and a trolley with a sprinkler (a console equipped with nozzles). Watering hose is wound onto a drum
SOIL TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Designed for pre-sowing soil preparation, stubble peeling, weed control, cutting of perennial grasses, soil preparation after harvesting row crops and grain crops, early spring harrowing, mulching, chopping crop residues, restoring the surface layer 
SEEDING EQUIPMENT Designed for sowing forage crops. Forage crops include grains, perennial and annual forage grasses (for producing pasture and green summer forage, green mass for hay, haylage, silage, grass meal), silage crops (corn, sunflower, etc.)
TRAILED HEADERS Designed for mowing agricultural crops for placing the mown mass in a windrow (for separate harvesting)

*Tractors (with power up to 130 l/s inclusive) are sold complete with mounted and/or trailed equipment/equipment

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